Monitoring Brand Health

Consumer HeartBeat: The Future of Consumer Research in Emerging Markets


Brandscapes is proud to introduce Consumer HeartBeat, a cutting-edge consumer research solution designed with emerging markets in mind. This sophisticated measurement system grants marketers the ability to delve into consumer behavior and perceptions, equipping them to forge robust brands in these dynamic and competitive landscapes.

Key Features and Benefits:

Real-Time Behavior Tracking

Consumer HeartBeat delivers instantaneous tracking of consumer behavior across diverse categories and brands. By providing live insights, it paints a comprehensive picture of consumer preferences, buying decisions, and brand interactions, enabling marketers to stay ahead of ever-changing trends.

Robust Data Integration

Consumer HeartBeat enables marketers to consolidate data from various sources to generate powerful insights. This fusion of consumer sentiments and actions empowers businesses to make data-driven decisions, refine marketing strategies, and accelerate brand growth.


Consumer HeartBeat offers exceptional adaptability to meet the unique needs of businesses. Marketers can select individual or combined modules that align with their brand health KPIs and category enrichment objectives, personalizing the solution to fulfill specific requirements.

Innovative Ethnography

Leveraging leading-edge technology, Consumer HeartBeat integrates app-based tracking to measure core brand KPIs and understand category dynamics. This nuanced approach guarantees precise and comprehensive insights into consumer behavior, presenting a multi-dimensional view of consumption patterns.

Live Reporting and Contextual Analytics

Consumer HeartBeat eliminates guesswork through real-time reports and accurate results. The integration of visual aids and multi-lens analytics enhances the depth and quality of consumer insights, empowering marketers to make confident, data-driven decisions.

Client Advantages

Cost Efficiency

Traditional consumer research methods can be expensive and time-consuming. Consumer HeartBeat offers cost efficiencies by providing customizable modules, enabling businesses to optimize resources without compromising the depth and quality of insights.

Actionable Insights

Consumer HeartBeat provides more than mere data. It arms businesses with actionable insights that fuel brand strategy and growth.

Competitive Edge

In the swiftly evolving emerging markets, having a competitive advantage is crucial. Consumer HeartBeat supplies businesses with real-time insights, facilitating swift adaptation to market shifts and identification of growth opportunities.

Why Choose Consumer HeartBeat from Brandscapes

Seasoned Expertise

With over 18 years of experience in consumer research, Brandscapes understands the unique challenges and opportunities inherent in emerging markets.

360-Degree Approach

Consumer HeartBeat merges behavioral data with consumer perceptions and category dynamics, offering a holistic understanding that assists businesses in making informed decisions.

Advanced Technology

Consumer HeartBeat utilizes state-of-the-art technology to capture precise consumer insights. This tech-driven approach ensures businesses have access to the most relevant and current information for effective decision-making.


In summary, Consumer HeartBeat is a flexible, customizable, and technologically advanced consumer research solution designed to unlock invaluable insights for businesses operating in emerging markets. By comprehending consumer behavior, preferences, and perceptions, marketers can fine-tune their strategies, surpass competitors, and foster brand growth. Opt for Consumer HeartBeat from Brandscapes to secure a competitive edge and make data-driven decisions with assured confidence.

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